Month: April 2013

  • Reflections On April 2013

    Still in the Easter Season of 2013!

    It's been a wonderful month of celebration the resurrection of Jesus. Also I've have had a good time in celebrating the beginning of my year of jubilee. And my journey continues.

    I had a wonderful time on my birthday week. The joy of having others celebrate my life with me. I'm thankful that my friends and family came  and join me in my celebration of life.

    I'm looking forward to what's to come. I believe that I planted a lot of seeds. I'm moving on planting more. It's the enjoy in life to give and not so much in receiving.

    God is the one who rewards us. No one can repay us or give us gifts that can really make us happy. Only God can. Amen!

    I'm moving on into what's ahead. I'm hoping for the best of what came out of April 2013. I see come changes along the journey. I'm making some adjustments. Things will be a challenge. But, I believe that God is with me.

    I hope that you had a wonderful April 2013. I believe that things that happened in April will read some goodness. Despite the terror and troubling things that come about. God can take our ashes and make things beautiful out of them.

    No matter the situation in life, God can brings some good out of things not so good. We have to believe that God is able. I have to put our hope, trust and believe that God is and is able.

    As for this last day of April. we had a hot one today. It was in the 80's yesterday too. We had a taste of Summertime in the Spring.

    They say we might get two inches on snow on Thursday. I got to see this. It would be something if it snowed in May.  What stories we have to share?

    May we have a good expectation of what's to come.
    May we do the best that we can.
    May we continue to put our trust and hope in God.

    Thanks for reading.
    Happy 5th Tuesday in Easter 2013.

    Have A Great Month Of May!


    Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.

    Psalm 36:5 NIV

  • 21 Days Since Turning Another Page

    Happy 5th Monday in Easter 2013!

    It's been 21 days since my birthday. I've been doing some thinking. What's ahead for me  now?  Where am I going? Questions about life itself.

    I've been thanking God for each day as I journey in life. I take each day as they come. I'm one day wiser than I was the day before. 

    I'm doing ok. In life we have our challenges. We have to make the adjustment that's needed on our journey. I have to in order to keep on keeping on.

    Lord give us in the way that we should go. Keep us from harm. And help us along the journey of life. Thank You, for being with us on the path that You have made for us. Amen.

    Thanks for reading  and praying.

    For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,
    plans for your welfare and not for harm,
    to give you a future with hope.

    Jeremiah 29:11 NRSV

  • So Perfectly To Know

    Welcome to the 5th Sunday in Easter 2013!
    It's the Last Sunday in April 2013.

    Almighty God, whom truly to know is everlasting life: Grant us so perfectly to know your Son Jesus Christ to be the way, the truth, and the life, that we may steadfastly follow his steps in the way that leads to eternal life; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

    Prayer via The Book Of Common Prayer: 5th Sunday in Easter 2013

    Church Life Series continue  @ WOLC

    Thanks for reading and praying.
    Sundays in April have been wonderful.  I'm off to a new beginning. April is the month of new beginnings for me. It's always is.

    Have A Great Week!

    The eternal God is your refuge,
    and underneath are the everlasting arms.
    Deuteronomy 33:27 NIV

  • Last Weekend Of April 2013

    God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be removed. and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.

    Psalm 46:1-3 KJV

    It's the final weekend of April 2013. I think that the weekends have a different atmosphere about them. I tend to have more to do on the weekend. There's not enough time to get things done.

    I have to play things by ear. I have to balance out things. There are times I journaling. I have ideas come to me as I sat down and relax.

    There are times when I come to xanga and journal. I can get behind on my blogs. And I can catch up on some of them as well.

    I like Saturday the most out of the weekend. It's a day when I have more freedom to do things. I have less the hassle in doing what I do during the week. It's like a time to get caught up on things that I didn't get to do on the week days.

    May we go with the flow of things at times.
    May we use who time wisely.
    May we enjoy life more on the journey.

    Thanks for reading.
    Happy  4th Saturday in Easter 2013!
    Enjoy your final weekend in April 2013

  • Back To The Heart Of Worship

    We should worship God no matter what comes in our lives. I know it's hard to worship in troubled times.  We've all been there. Still, we have to worship and pray during our low times and high times in life. We should.

    I do want to go back to the heart of worship. Worship is all about Jesus. It's not about us at all. Jesus should be the center and the focus point of what we do in our lives. Well, He should be.

    I think that we don't worship God as we should.  Especially in public. I've notice that over the years. We don't give God our best. We seem to go through the motion at times. It's a part of the worship gathering.

    We should worship God with all that we have. That's in talents, treasure and time. Our life should be dedicated to worshiping God in all that we do.

    We, who are the people of God should be worshipper of Him. We should have the heart to worship Him. I know at times we are tried. We don't feel like worshipping God.

    We shouldn't go on our feelings. If we did go on our feelings, not much will be done in some cases. If I don't feel like posting this blog I won't. But, I choose to start somewhere.

    I'm a worshipper of the living God. I want to worship Him no matter what. I know at times I need too. Just because. Worship is all about God. Not us.

    So when the next time you're alone. Worship God. Speak to Him. Thank Him for who He is and so forth. And when you gather in the house of the Lord, Worship Him in singing songs, listening to the message and taking communion, remember honor God as Lord. For He is and always will be.

    I made up my mind again and keep it minding my mind up.  I will worship the Lord no matter what comes. I'm going to the next level. I'm not going to fear what others say. Or how they look at me.

    I know that worship isn't a show on who can out do whosoever. It's not how much we give in the offering. It's not how much time we invest in helping others or church work. It's not about how good we are in what our talents are. It's the heart of the matter in what we do. It's our attitude.

    We should do all in the honor of God. We should have respect for people. But we should do things to please people or to get something in return. We should do things out of the act of love of God. We are to be pleasers of God, not people.

    People can have a good attitude about doing things. But a bad motive in what they want done. We can do good for the wrong reason. We have to watch our motives in what we are doing. Is it for our gain? or is it for the glory of God?

    May we check our motives in why we do what we do.
    May we bring glory to God in all what we do.
    May the Lord correct us when we do things out of place.

    Thanks for reading.
    I'm coming back to the heart of worship.
    I hope that you do too.

    Happy  4th Friday in Easter 2013!
    Enjoy The Last Weekend in April 2013!


    And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude and as the sound of many waters and the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying. "Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready."

    Revelation 19:6-7 NASB

  • Church Life

    Happy  4th Thursday in Easter 2013!

    Over the years I have been noticing things in church life. We have changed as the years come to be. That's normal. We have to go in the flow of things.

    As for my church life journey, I've seem a lot of changes over my stay as a body of church. I've been noticing that people come to church a lot less causal. The gatherings are not as big as they use to be.

    People have moved on. Whether it was because of death or moved on because of other matter. I think about some those who have moved on. Those who live left the church and or still living. I pray that they are attended church else where.

    I'm thankful that we come together as the body of Christ. We should on regular basis. We sing. Hear scripture read aloud. Give tithes and offering. And hear the message on Fridays and Sundays. 

    For me I'm needing to get back to the heart of worship. It's like I'm half heartily praising and worshipping in church at times. That's what I sense.

    We are to praise and worship God in spirit and in trust. I believe that. That is that we are to give of ourselves. We're not to stand around and watch others sing, and worship God. We are to be true worshipper of God.

    So, when I'm in church or at home, I tend to enter into worship. I tend to be more aware of things while I'm in a church setting. People are watching. At home I'm at home.

    God is watching us no matter where we are. He sees everything that we are doing. And what we are not doing. We should be aware of that.

    I want to go back to the heart of worship. Because it's all about Jesus. It's not a show that we put on at church. It's not to show off what we can do. It's about Jesus. Who He is.

    May we turn our hearts to Jesus when we gather together as the body of Christ. May we worship in spirit and in true. May the Lord be magnify as we praise and worship Him.  Amen

    Thanks for reading

    Bless the Lord, O you his angles, you mighty one who do his bidding...Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of his dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul.

    Psalm 103:20, 22 NRSV

  • The Last Week Of April 2013

    It's been an interesting week so far. I can't believe that it snowed yesterday. But it was beautiful to see. God's creation is beautiful. I didn't complain about the snow or the cold weather.

    I'm enjoying the last week of April 2013. I've been doing some thinking. What I need to do? And what I don't need to do? What I should continue? And what I need to stop doing?

    My life is changing. I need to move on with those changes. I don't want to get tripped up over things I shouldn't continue doing. But,  I need to be wise in making what is necessary.

    I've been Spring cleaning. I'm tossing some things. That's out with the old and in with the new way of doing things. I don't need to add to what I have. But, to use what I have.

    I'm seeing things in a new light. The darkness can over shadow what I see. I'm being more caution in what I'm doing. I need to be. Don't we all.

    We should change with the season and with the season of life that come. I know that can be a tough challenge to do. But with God's guidance, you and I can do it. Lord, help us.

    May we grow in to the things that we need to.
    May the Lord grant us the grace to do what we should do.
    May we continue on the journey no matter what.

    Thanks for reading.
    Enjoy the LAST Week Of April 2013

    Peace be with you.

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    John 3:16 NIV

  • Bloggers Blog

    I was looking at one of my blog sites. I see that there are some changes. I'm thinking about how I'm going to continue to blog there.

    We are allowed so much space there. Then when we go over our limit it will cost about two or so dollars per month to use the site. I never thought about space.

    I've been trying to slow down on what I post on that site. I don't what to run out of space. Perhaps I'll have to end that site on more on to another.

    I've seen that on some sites. They post on the site that they left and re direct them to the current site.

    There is on thing that I don't know. Wonder how long will a site stay after the person stops posting? I don't want to lose what I posted.

    I see what we post as some thing for all to read. People in the future may come to read what we had to say in our day and time. It's like a journal for the future.

    I'll continue to journal is long as I can. I'm having ideas come to me. But I have to wait to post them on the other site.

    I don't know how much space I have on Xanga. I'm a lifetime member. I've been here since November 13, 2006, I think. I have to look.

    May we continue to share. May the Lord direct our blogging ways. Amen.

    Thanks for reading,


    I look behind me and you're there, then up ahead and you're there, too -- your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful -- I can't take it all in ! Psalm 139:5-6 MSG

  • Praise The Name Of The Lord

    It's been a good start of the week. Sunday was great. I'm trying to get back in the mode of doing things. I've been thrown off track.

    I hope that this will take to long. But in the mean time, I'm doing the best that I can. I need to change my attitude. I need to see things in a new way.

    May we make the best of where we're at. May the Lord keep us on track. May we enjoy life and not to complain as much as we do. Amen.

    Thanks for reading.

    I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.. And you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you.

    Joel 2:25-26 NIV

  • The Good Shepherd

    Greeting! Happy Easter:  The Celebration Continues! Have a Great 4th Sunday in Easter 2013!   And Have A Wonderful Week!

    Let us pray:

    O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people: Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

    Prayer via The Book Of Common Prayer The 4th Week Of Easter

    So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us like rain, Like the spring rain watering the earth. 

    Hosea 6:3 NASB

    Thanks for reading and praying.
    Hope that you will make it to church.
    Thank God for "The Good Shepherd."

    Enjoy the Last Full week in April 2013!

    Church Life @ WOLC  
    Continuing the series: The World After Easter
    From the Books of I Corinthians and II Corinthians